“Reality Show” is a collection inspired by harsh reality. REPARTO tries to adapt to the industry with a collection that conveys the consequences of bringing a brand forward.
Taking reality TV as a reference, a genre of television that documents current situations without a predetermined script, this collection aims to establish silhouettes and patterns that identify the brand, emphasizing characteristics and techniques that are already part of its imagery.
Reality Show, in addition to maintaining a dramatic and nostalgic style, shows the colder side of the brand with a touch of sobriety but without forgetting the humor that characterizes them.
This collection features characters that address topics such as commitment, blockages, ephemerality, endless hours in the workshop, and quirks. Neutral colors predominate, accompanied by a touch of pink and red. The sewing techniques reaffirm the brand’s style, including upcycling, reusing second-hand garments, lace edging, tailoring, or moulage, among others. Additionally, the brand will collaborate with accessory designer Fernando Gomez for this collection.