TexMeeting 2023 aims to discuss the European Textile Strategy with our industry stakeholders.
This will be done through two roundtable discussions where European Commission legislators and textile producers will engage in dialogue about the Digital Product Passport and Eco-design.

from 9:00h to 9:55hAccreditations and Coffee Networking
from 10.00h to 10.15hOpening

Agnès Russiñol i Amat
Director Consorci Comerç Artesania i Moda de Catalunya
from 10.15h to 11.15hThe Digital Product Passport:
the solution for market surveillance?

Round table
Moderator Iria Pérez – Director, Modaes.es

This panel will discuss the measures that the EU wants to implement to improve market surveillance. Also, the difficulties or handicaps the industry identifies and how they can be solved.
Abel Ortiz – CEO, Textil Ortiz
Marta Castells – General Secretary, TEXFOR, Head of Commercial Policy, CIE
Alberto Ruiz – Permanent Representation of the Gobierno de España at UE
from 11.15h to 12.15hWhat does it take to produce with eco-design criteria?

Round table
In this case, we want to hear the arguments of our industrialists on the implementation of eco-design measures, the legislators’ explanations, and the brands’ points of view.
Josep Pagès – Commercial and Sustainability Director, Pagès Valenti
María Rincón Liévana – Team Leader – Circular Economy in DG Environment, European Comission
Antonio Roade – Sustainability Director, Adolfo Domínguez
from 12.15h to 12.30hClosing

Josep Moré
Vice-president of Texfor
Theme: olxxx by Jose delSol.