In the history of Spanish vermouth we find Perucchi, a brand founded by Augustus Perucchi in 1876. This artisanal legacy is kept alive by centuries-old soleras and natural winemaking, an art that has transcended generations. With products ranging from the prestigious Vermouth Gran Reserva, the modern Vermouth Rosso Il Giovane, Vermouth Special Selection Rounded In Brandy Barrel, Vermouth Varietale Barrica Chardonnay, Gran Reserva Vermouth, Vermouth Reserva 50 Botanicals, Vermouth Bianco and Extra Dry, Mandarino Spritz Bitter Oranges and Mandarin Aperitif, Bitter Aperitif, Dry Gin, Liquore, Limoncello Lemon Liqueur, Liquore Arancello Orange Liqueur, Liquore Caffè Coffee Liqueur, Amaretto Almond Liqueur, until Absinthe Liqueur, the brand has maintained its essence.  

Today’s increasingly diverse consumer finds in Perucchi not only the essence of the Spanish aperitif, but also a unique and authentic experience.

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