Agenciade Residuos de Cataluña

The Waste Agency of Catalonia is a public body that is responsible for the waste generated in Catalonia and the waste managed within its territory.

In order to improve the quality of life of the citizens of Catalonia and to protect the environment, the main objectives of the Waste Agency of Catalonia are to promote waste prevention, selective collection through wide-ranging communication campaigns, waste recovery, waste disposal and the recovery of degraded areas and soil.

Within waste prevention, the reuse and preparation for reuse of goods is an important practice to avoid that these items become waste, on the one hand, and, on the other, to slow down the manufacture of new products that feature the same needs. Along these lines, the Waste Agency of Catalonia has been working for years to promote the reuse and use of second-hand products, including textiles, through communication campaigns, guides, action plans and financial aid for recycling centres.

Theme: olxxx by Jose delSol.